Have you ever looked at the many ingredients on the back of your commercial soap bars? If you were like me, I had no idea how to pronounce most of the words nor understood the meaning of the words (lol!!!). They all seemed like a bunch of fancy scientific chemical laboratory terms with maybe one word like “lavender” to make you think that it must be “good” soap for your skin.

Well, I’ve come to a point in my life that the soap that I’ll be using on my skin matters a lot, “SOAP MATTERS.” I have come to the conclusion that anything, such as soap, that soaks through my pores on a daily basis and no doubt enters my bloodstream, has to be all-natural and nourishing for my skin. And with this in mind, I was prompt to make my own soap, with all-natural ingredients: words that we are generally familiar with, easily pronounced and simply understood.

Wait! I have one more extraordinary, yet embarrassing; testimony of my own to share. For some odd reason, developed an uncontrollable itch on my scalp (and yes, my soap products are very effective for scalp issues); And on the left side on my face, I developed an ugly rusty looking rash that brought me to tears. This skin condition also created urgency in me to put in motion my initial idea of making my own soap of natural ingredients (after having used commercial products to cure the skin problems). Anyways, after investing in my soap making idea and using my own handmade all-natural soap, I am overwhelmingly happy with the results of my skin!!! No more dry itchy scalp (the soap also gently exfoliated, removed flakes of dead skin from my scalp)! And the ugly rusty looking rash on my face is gone, and the dark spots that it left behind has lightened, leaving my skin with an even tone complexion, feeling nice, smooth and soft! Yeah!!!

The purpose of GRAMMIE’S APOTHECARY is to provide you with all-natural therapeutic apothecary soap with nourishing healing properties, helping to improve and meet the specific needs of various skin conditions.

Our skin is so important to us, and I am so excited about sharing my soap products with you! Just as it is important what we consume, it is vitally important what we feed our skin. SOAP MATTERS!

Why Choose Us...

We are a handmade all-natural company that produces products for the nourishment of the biggest cell on your body, your skin! All of our products are organic, fragrance-free, cruelty-free, and can be used from your head down to your toes. What makes us different is that we do not compromise on the quality of our ingredients or the production process of our products. We guarantee that our products will produce lasting results that will help produce healthy hair and skin. It’s a fact that when we look better we feel better…the beauty of Grammie’s Apothecary products is that our outward results have internal benefits as well, so you just don’t look good and feel good, you are doing good for the whole person from the inside out!