According to some reports, magnesium chloride is absorbed transdermally, acting fast through the skin, in just 90 seconds.

According to, Magnesium chloride is a natural way to calm your nerves.  Magnesium chloride benefits sleep. It produces a calming effect in the body that helps you relax. In fact, your body does much of its rebuilding while you are asleep. 

Researched benefits are as followed:

  • Helps improve sleep and reduce stress
  • Helps contract and relax muscles
  • Helps regulate the nervous system
  • Helps with jet lag
  • Helps fight depression
  • Helps to lower blood sugar
  • Helps regulate calcium imbalance in the body
  • Helps remove excess calcium from the blood
  • Helps activate vitamin d to help the body absorb calcium
  • Helps eczema and acne
  • Helps increase blood flow to the scalp 
  • Helps prevent and restore healthy cells in the scalp
  • Helps reduce inflammation

Benefits You Should Know

Interestingly, according to Dr. Carolyn Dean, per, โ€œchildren who wonโ€™t take magnesium orally can benefit from magnesium chloride therapy when added to the bath.โ€

Magnesium Chloride and its supporting agents, lavender oil and ylang ylang oil, in this soap is designed to help bring calmness, relaxation and nourishment to your body.

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